Thursday, July 11, 2013

Comments are welcome!

Hey friends and families out there- we'd love to hear from you so leave your comments and questions!
Much love from Oloika,
Team Kenya 2013


  1. Hungry Hungry HippoJuly 12, 2013 at 8:03 AM


    Hungry Hungry Hippo checking in right now.
    You sound like you're energetically enjoying yourselves!
    All the kids that went to Tanzania just got back the other day from a looooooong plane ride. Can you imagine how much that would suck for a hippo to ride in plane?
    I exhausted my supply of jokes and puns on the Tanzania crowd and I'm sure Laurie and Brandt would prefer to not hear them again, so for now I'll just say a few things.

    First, have fun!

    Second, try to take photos or keep a journal or something. You tell yourself you wont forget some things and you wont, but memories still fade and blur together.

    Third, really try to push yourselves harder while working. The satisfying sense of accomplishment once you've finished a project with a group of friends is truly terrific.

    On this side of the pond, there's no chance at all of hippothermia as the temperature is reaching 100 degrees!

    Ok, Hungry Hungry Hippo is out!

    Hi Brandt and Laurie!

  2. I am not sure why it's so difficult to post a comment, but I just wanted to say the Ewald family eagerly anticipates the opening night of Oloika, the Musical!


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